Murci's 1st bath. How brave she is!
Murci meets the family.
PuppyG gives her a sniff.
A sturdier Murci plays with her fan club: Xmul, theTribe, Tori and Hazel.
She's a bit of a hellion because they're all too permissive with her.
Murci attacks!
August is for the birds; by 8AM it is too hot to walk with the dogs.
I biked to the nearby salt ponds and got to see flamingos in flight.
August means damp sand endlessly tracked indoors on a thousand wet paws.
Outside, a losing battle against the encroachment of grass and the smell of pee.
A storm took out our modem and we were without our Telmex connection for 8 days.
The electric alternates between brownout, blackout and crazy surges.
A handful of dogs are having various skin problems, poor Rita is miserable from the grass and her allergy treatments, and Truman managed to cut his leg during a run, which led to a day trip to the vet and the fun of replacing the stitches hours after we got home.
Take my word for it, August looks better in pictures.
Salt pond serenity, Bob Ross style.

Rufus and Tori!
Zasu, Bette, Blue and Miles -morning walk.

It's obscene how much cuteness I witness daily.
Silly Mega.
Evening light Archie.