It is still raining. Almost daily. This has increased the difficulty of keeping so many dogs in a small space tenfold. Poop raking has become a serious strength and conditioning routine! That is a good thing, I suppose, as I have been feeling puny after an injury laden year. This weather has been great for the spiny grass (xmul). It has been making walks miserable, especially for the shaggy dogs (and me, the designated xmul-remover).
Sisters Blue and Eve wait for the rain to pass.
I may finally have to break down and import a case of Natures Miracle pee odor remover -damn the price! Except that as of this month, pet food is to be taxed. That is going to hurt! We go through about 100 lbs of kibble a week.
Archie enjoys some morning sun.
More beach houses are going up and we are feeling hemmed in. With no prospects of compatible volunteers on the horizon (we've temporarily removed our Helpx profile), we have little hope of making much progress at the alternative site. We need a plan.
Land prices on the coast are currently outrageous, so it's unfeasible to consider adding on to our existing lot. The same money it would cost to widen our lot by 9 meters could buy us hectares a few miles inland. We are doing our best to save to buy land. At least, being vegan in the Yucatan makes it easy to save on eating out! We've literally eaten out once in the past 2 years.
Sweet, strange Greta wants a belly rub.
Amber makes the most of the 1st sunny day in weeks.
Hazel digs a hole while Amber jumps through the sand she kicks up.
Amber pauses.

Amber and PuppyG play.

PuppyG and Merci.
Spot (the cat) will be 18 this month!

The sweet little black and white stray is now a being called Roxy -because she's extremely nice and very brave, just like Roxanne Modafferi! I hope she shares the same fighting spirit, as she has been diagnosed with Ehrlichiosis and late stage heartworms. We've begun treatment and it has been unsurprisingly tough on her. There is no guarantee that she'll recover, but at least she's inside, out of the cold and wet.
Roxy (who is obviously good with other dogs and cats) and overlord Spot. When her treatments are finished, we'd love to find her a home of her own.
'Cold' weather means more dogs love hammocks.
A tired me, ready to watch a movie -note my Elewah pillow.
Full crew in my hammock...

and under it.
Stella can jump in on her own, but Tuesday prefers to be helped.
This is how she asks for a boost.