Mags has recovered and is feeling much better!

Hazel decided to have an adventure, and was gone for a couple of days.
Much anxiety was had by all -though mainly Sean, Murci and me.
Other than that, the dogs seem happy.
Xmul and Reggie sandwich Otto.
Greta tidies up Steve.
PuppyG does anime cosplay without a costume.

Henry leads Eve and Monkey in a sea shanty.
So many strays around now! Dogs barking all night, on all sides. One dumped with rope tied around its neck; if it lives long enough it will strangle. Damn humans. We'll do what we can. Some sick kittens were dumped nearby. Luckily, we attended to them far from ours until they went to the vet. They tested positive for feline leukemia; we had no choice but to have them put down.
I spent a week away visiting family, and Sean survived.
Here he recuperates with other members of the shaggy dog club (he's an honorary member) Henry and Linda.
Sugar has been spayed and she tested positive for FIV. Her kittens will be going in to be tested and sterilized soon. They've been vaccinated and are currently doing great.
Falafel leaps and Cali prowls at dusk.
Xena has been renamed Minya.
Minya and Kevin in sync.
Bodging for kitties has become a full time job! The most recent version of kitty bridge has been a success. The longterm goal is integrating them but desensitizing the dogs is no small task. Kevin and his siblings check out the new dog harassment platform.
Falafel and Cali cross the kitty bridge.
Sugar and kin are the center of attention. That's an early stage of the kitty viewing station (pre-bridge), it was meant to be a place for potted plants. Of course, the plants had to go soon after this was taken.