Amber and Pete in evening light.

Helpxers Jagoda and Michael lent a hand around the place.
Bought a new camera just in time to see them leave.
Thanks for your help!

The last gasp of my old camera catches Michael putting in a pen.
He has many helpers.

A sore elbow has curtailed my picture taking,
but I've managed to get a little use out of the new camera.
Days are hot -Steve says in the shade is the place to be.

Miles Monroe walking between some salt ponds.

Reggie and Gracie.

Daisy and laundry.

Isn't she pretty?

Otto, Zasu and Miles nap.

Mo keeps an eye on me.

Helpers Alex and Alex paint the casita.

Xmul is back with us and she brought a friend for a short stay.
Zoot gazes adoringly at Xmul (he's sweet on her).

Little Diva will be with us for a month or so, then she's off to her new home in Canada.

She's fitting in nicely and theTribe is happy to have their leader Xmul back.

Some long overdue toys have arrived!!
Daisy approves!

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