His head and neck started to swell, he was listless, his tongue was blue, his heart was racing and he could barely breath. Very scary. I didn't take pictures because I didn't think he was going to survive. Initially the bite marks were almost unnoticeable, but after a few days the extent of the attack became apparent.
Poor, sweet, noisy Ernie. He's my hero! Even though he was terribly weak, he always managed to stagger outside to relieve himself. What came out of him belonged in a horror movie. Blood out of both ends for a few days. Unreal.
Blood test indicated that he may have some liver damage, but we're hoping for the best. He's going in for another round of tests soon to find out. He hasn't wanted to go on a walk since, which is worrying, but he is otherwise largely recovered.

Other than the Ernie incident, things have been uneventful. Great swimming weather, a few cool bugs (and lots more irritating ones), nice lightning storms ...summer in the Yucatan.
I don't have much to post, I just hate to have a month go by without an update.
neat beetle:

crazy red-eyed, black grasshoppers:

Miles in action:

shaggy Maggie -her coat is growing out:

armadillo skeleton:

after doggie dinner:

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