poor sick Daisy, just home from the vet's:

After a week of injections and antibiotics here at home she's still a little bag of bones, but her white cell count is up, she's getting stronger and she's starting to play; it looks like she'll be ok.
feeling a bit better:

The four lucky pups are doing fine...the 3 black pups:

and little fawn colored Xmul (found by Nicole and Marie):

have had a better start than most...
with walks in the mornings:

and 24 hour a day doting by Emily:

Elewah insists there is no resemblance:

and Miles is not impressed:

everyone else thinks they're swell,
especially Stella:

We've gone through a few names and settled on


and Mo:

Xmul likes to charge at the camera, so most of her pictures look like this:

Xmul napping with Alice:

The newest dog pen is a huge hit! It's the dog's favorite place to hang out (unless we want to shut the door, then it's awful!).
Some random puppy silliness:
Enough puppy news; here's our beautiful Monkey:

and sweet Molly:

Floyd has been showing some improvement in his behavior, although we still keep him sequestered from the other males (except for Ziggy, for some reason he has no problem with Ziggy.). He has complicated life here at the dog ranch, but isn't his fault.
He loves Stella most of all:

Oh, yeah...and because life is a sit-com...our chickens...are roosters

...and scene!
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