She and Lucy love the beach.

Isn't Lucy a beauty? Checkout those lashes!

We had a visitor...I think it's called a mapache, but I'm not sure.
My first thought was rabies, but I think it was domesticated and dumped. It seemed inquisitive and wasn't afraid of dogs. I wish I had managed to trap it for a wildlife rehabber, but I'm no Steve Irwin. It had big teeth and I was more concerned about the safety of the dogs. I think this was what Gracie treed few years ago and she still has the scar on her throat to prove it.

If he comes back I'll try to trap him.

As for our own little beasties...
Xmul (pronounced shmool) is a riot and a handful!
Here she takes on Tuesday.

Xmul and Mo (I think).

Wrasslin' with her best pal Daisy.

Coming for the camera!!!

The beach is usually deserted this time of year, perfect for doggy sorties. Chester and Tito in the lead.

The dogs think the best thing about the beach is dead fish to chew on!
(notice Twiggy's cute broken tail in the foreground.)

Finding the fish is easy ...the hard part is keeping it; competition is stiff!

Luna (I think) and her prize.


Luna, her fish, and Daisy.

Mo and Twiggy.

All pups present and accounted for.

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